Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mindful Moment

Creating Balance
Today, we spend time thinking about our environments—at home and away—and find ways to make them more nourishing and peaceful.
Consider those things that you enjoy—the scents, sights, sounds—that bring calm to your mind and spirit, and warm your heart. With just a little bit of thought and effort, we can create environments that support our success and enable us to feel positive and alive. So, as you enjoy your home and work in your professional space, we encourage you to make those small, simple changes that will allow your environment to enhance your life.
Our centering thought for today is:
My outer world reflects my inner world.
We look forward to our time together today.

Take some time to examine your environment and consider those things you'd like to change. Perhaps it's time to sweep away some clutter, add fresh flowers, turn on some soothing music, or light a stick of incense. Remind yourself that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and invite those elements into your environment that truly make you feel good inside.