Monday, November 18, 2013

Have You read- Rev. Al's new book?

The Rejected Stone, the title of Reverend Al Sharpton’s third book. Is also a biblical allusion to verse 22 of Psalm 118.
In the verse, the stone that was initially rejected by builders eventually becomes the cornerstone of the structure, an allusion to the ways in which Israelites were rejected but eventually realized their destiny as God’s chosen people.
This is an epic analogy for the life and times of a boy-preacher-turned-ubiquitous-presence in the American political and public spheres, but it is also an apt figuration for a better understanding of Reverend Al’s narrative of redemption; a frame through which we might best understand how his life’s travails inform one of the most visible and influential black voices in this nation’s history. Get a copy, share a copy, buy a copy!

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